Jakub "Kivi" Kuziemski

Programmer - Electronic Engineer - Roboticist



Last update: 24.11.21

My name is Jakub Kuziemski, often known as "Kivi", but that is obviously at the top of the page. I am 20 years old programmer/roboticist... I mean, I would like to become one someday. For the time being I am second-year student, of Robotics and Automatic Control, at Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. I have managed, right at the beginning, to join Students Robotics Association KNR. Soon, I hope, I will join Students' Space Association. All that, becouse I believe that true knowladge comes from experience and I learn most in practice way. For the same reason I started to work as WEB developer in Skill & Chill. Besides, I work as a senior teacher (called HeadTeacher) in robotics school Robocode, where leading my team of teachers, I try to infect kids with my programming and robotics passion. Before I was in academical class in 4th Tadeusz Kościuszko Secondary School in Toruń, and everything what you can see in my portfolio is just a great, hobbistic fun, which I realized in my free time then and now on studies 😄.

When it comes to my skills, I think know of C++ well, becouse of my SFML graphic library experience, with which I have spent few long nights on game ARA, and also C/C++ variation from Arduino (cf. rest of projects). As you could predict I know WEB programming (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL). Lately most of the time I spent in JS, working on Tafl game. I have also programmed something in python, C, C#, Java, nodeJS and I would love to learn more! Sometimes I use Linux, as you can see in project including Raspberry Pi, so this kind of OS is not a stranger for me. It is also norm for me, that I use version control system git. I probably forgot to mention something and there are projects at the working stage, but surely you know how to ask 😅. Willingly, I will participate in a bigger projects, contact me if you want.

In my free time, when I am not constructing new projects, I love to travel. Rollerskating, bicycling, and also team sports with a good company is something I would not pass. I did ski once and I would love to do it again this year. Except for my obvious interest in video games, I also like board and card games, principally those which requiere strategy. That is why I also love to play chess (I am crazy about chesslike games), especially with my girlfriend. She is a great graphic designer (check). Together we managed to make some really good looking projects (ARA, Tafl or even the page you are looking at right now). Propably I could write down much more, but, I think, the main thing is already told. Maybe a bit immodestly, but I can say, that I am ambitious and curious about the world, young person. 😁

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